Company Formation Checklist

You may have come across advertisements which make forming a company sound very easy, but before you go ahead there are some serious issues to think through. If you have decided that a company is the best vehicle for your new venture then here is a checklist:

Decide what to include in the Articles of Association and Memorandum of Incorporation. These documents lay down how the company is to be structured and what its operating procedures will be. Include the names of the director(s) and company secretary (if necessary). Include any positions that have special names or rights (e.g. managing director) and any specific limitations on directors;

Determine who will own the shares and in what proportions. Changing this later on is fraught with potential tax traps;

Check that any proposed name for the company is allowable;

If you own trademarks you need to decide whether to keep them or sell or lease them to the company;

If the company will use a property owned by a director you need to decide whether or not you should have a lease. There are many tax considerations attaching to this, so take advice before you act;

Cars can be a major source of friction is small businesses. Take advice on whether cars should be owned by the company or kept out, how they are financed, insured and how you are going to meet travelling expenses;

Give thought to what the ‘corporate look’ is going to be. If you plan to use a trade name, do a search to make sure the company name AND trade name can be used without legal ramifications. Companies House produce a free guidance on many company issues including basic guidance on the Companies Act 2006;

Your stationery, website and emails must show your registered number and other details. Adding your VAT number is usually a good idea (particularly if stationery will be used for invoices) so you will need to sort out these details before you can get your stationery printed. There is helpful information in the guidance issued by Companies House on company formation;

If your turnover is more than the VAT limit you must register for VAT. You must also tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that the company is trading. Failure to do so within the time limit may lead to a fine. Even if you do not need an audit, you will probably have to appoint accountants to make sure your accounts comply with the Companies Act ;

By law employers must have employers’ liability insurance. However, very small companies which employ only their majority shareholder are exempt from the requirement to carry employers’ liability compulsory insurance. This has brought them into line with sole traders who do not employ anyone else;

HMRC can provide the employer's PAYE pack. The introduction to PAYE is here.

Employers are required to provide a (contributory) pension scheme for all employerrs who earn more than £10,000 per year who do not opt out.

Normally, you will not be able to open a corporate bank account until your bank has seen the company’s certificate of incorporation. If you need borrowing, consider what security can be offered and who will give guarantees if necessary;

Employees have numerous rights and it is important to know which laws apply to you and to be ready for forthcoming legislation. For example, all employees are entitled to a written statement of their terms of employment.

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